The best exercises with the fitness band

With a fitness band you can perform effective back exercises from the comfort of your home. Fitness band exercises offer you many advantages when training your back.

For example, you can strengthen your back muscles and improve your flexibility. By exercising regularly with the fitness band, you can reduce back pain and improve your posture.

Fitness band exercises with the Exercise Band PLUS

With a fitness band you can train your entire musculature at any time. Numerous exercises for the back, abdomen, legs, arms and buttocks ensure tight muscles, a straight posture and less pain.

And here's how it works: Do each exercise for about 60 seconds. Then take a break for about 60 seconds. Try to repeat each exercise 2-3 times. Adjust the number of repetitions to your fitness level if necessary.

Squat & Shoulder Press

Stelle dich hüftbreit auf die Bandmitte und hebe die Arme in einen 90 Grad Winkel auf Schulterebene, sodass sich das Band hinter den Armen befindet. Gehe in dieser Position in eine Kniebeuge und drücke beim Aufrichten die Arme gestreckt nach oben. Die Handgelenke bleiben stabil.

Thighs, butt, shoulders

Dauer: 3 x 60 Sekunden

Bicep curls

Stand hip-width apart on the centre of the band and grasp the band with arms extended so that you feel a slight basic tension. Pull the hands up to shoulder height and tense the biceps. Keep the elbows close to the body.


Ziel: Kraft

3 x 60 Sekunden

Triceps Overhead

Stand up straight with the back foot on the centre of the band. Grasp the ends of the band with both hands and bring the hands behind the head. Keeping the elbows close, extend the arms towards the ceiling and tighten the triceps.


Dauer: 3 x 60 Sekunden

Standing Abduction

Place the left foot in the band and grasp the ends with the right hand. Then place the right foot hip-width apart on top of the band. Stretch the left leg outwards. Maintain balance and tense the abdomen. Switch sides.

Körperbereich: Hüfte, Oberschenkel

Ziel: Hüft-Mobilität, Balance, Rumpfstabilität

Dauer: 3 X 60 SEKUNDEN

Standing Side Para

Place the left foot in the band and grasp the ends with the right hand. Then place the right foot hip-width apart on top of the band and take the free arm to the temple. Now tilt the upper body to the side of the band and straighten up again against the resistance with the help of the lateral abdominal muscles. The band arm remains in place the whole time. Switch sides.

Lateral abdominal muscles

Dauer: 3 X 60 Sekunden

Lunges & rotation

Stand with the front foot on the centre of the band and grasp the ends of the band with the hands. Place the stretched arms in front of the hips and keep the band slightly taut. While going down into a lunge, raise the arms to shoulder height. Then rotate the torso and arms once to the side of the standing leg and return to the upright lunge. Switch sides.

Hamstrings, balance and coordination

Ziel: Balance, Koordination

Dauer: 3 X 60 Sekunden

Side Shift

Stand with the left foot in the band and hold both ends stretched with arms just above the hips. Step into a lateral lunge with the right leg and push the stretched arms diagonally to the side at shoulder height. Maintain tension in the torso. Switch sides.

Front of thigh, balance, coordination

Ziel: Balance, Koordination

Dauer: 3 X 60 Sekunden

Glute Kick

Come into a quadrupedal position and place the band around the sole of one foot. Both hands hold the ends of the band below the shoulders. Now push the foot powerfully (kicking movement) backwards in extension of your back. Train the buttocks and keep the tension in the torso. Change legs.


Ziel: Stabilität

Dauer: 3 X 60 Sekunden

Russian Twist

Wrap the band securely around the soles of your feet and grasp it with both hands. Close your hands and bend slightly back so that you feel tension in your stomach. In this position, rotate your upper body and arms alternately to the right and left. Keep the band under tension at all times.

Rectus abdominal muscle, oblique abdominal muscle

Ziel: Rumpfstabilität, Haltung

Dauer: 3 X 60 Sekunden


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